Short Reviews

Bibliotheca Uralica, 1-5. = 1985. Vol. 1. Nr. 1. 156.
Ä�eskoslovensko-madarské vzt’ahy v hudbé. = 1985. Vol. 1. Nr. 2. 318.
Congressus Internationalis Fenno-ugristarum, I-V. = 1985. Vol. 1. Nr. 1. 153-154.
Corvina Book on Hungarian Folk Art. = 1985. Vol. 1. Nr. 2. 319-320.
Debrecen University Publications in Ethnography and Folklore. = 1985. Vol. 1. Nr. 1. 158-160.
Dictionary, Linguistic Atlas, Place Names – Hungarian Linguistics in Yugoslavia. = 1986. Vol. 2. Nr. 2. 313-315.
Eminent Hungarian Scholars of the Past. – A mĂşlt magyar tudĂłsai 1970-1983. = 1987. Vol. 3. Nr. 1-2. 301-304.
Ethnography of Ethnic Minorities in Hungary, 1975-1982. = 1985. Vol. 1. Nr. 1. 157-158.
Fejérváry, Magda-Ratimorsky, Piroska-Trugly, Sándor: A komáromi mĂşzeum száz éve. = 1987. Vol. 3. Nr. 1-2. 312.
Five Important Series of Books on Hungarian Culture, Published in Yugoslavia. = 1986. Vol. 2. Nr. 2. 308-313.
Folia RákĂłcziana, 1-6. = 1985. Vol. 1. Nr. 1. 160.
HajdĂş, Mihály: Magyar-angol, angol-magyar keresztnévszĂłtár = 1986. Vol. 2. Nr. 1. 185.
Hungarian Folk Tales in Yugoslavian Publications. = 1986. Vol. 2. Nr. 2. 315-316.
Hungarian Folklore in the Lower Drava Region. = 1986. Vol. 2. Nr. 2. 316-318.
Hungarica in Castrenianum Publications. = 1985. Vol. 1. Nr. 2. 315.
Hungarológiai �rtesít�, I-III. = 1985. Vol. 1. Nr. 1. 156-157.
A Kodály Intézet Ă�vkĂśnyve. = 1985. Vol. 1. Nr. 2. 319.
Koren, Emil: Suomi – egyházi szemmel. = 1986. Vol. 2. Nr. 1. 188.
Kretzoi, Charlotte ed.: High and Low in American Culture. = 1987. Vol. 3. Nr. 1-2. 316.
Leslie KĂśnnyĹą – 50th Literary Anniversary, 1934-1984 Album. = 1985. Vol. 1. Nr. 2. 317-318.
Lovag, Zsuzsa: The Hungarian Crown and Other Regalia. = 1987. Vol. 3. Nr. 1-2. 311.
Magyar KĂśnyvészet, 1921-1944. III. Társadalomtudomány = 1987. Vol. 3. Nr. 1-2. 309-311.
Munkácsi’s Present. = 1985. Vol. 1. Nr. 2. 317.
MĹąhelytanulmányok a magyar zenetĂśrténethez, 1-3. = 1986. Vol. 2. Nr. 1. 187.
Onomastic Publications of Loránd EĂśtvĂśs University, Budapest. = 1986. Vol. 2. Nr. 1. 179-185.
Ă-rmény magyar bibliográfia magyar nyelven. = 1987. Vol. 3. Nr. 1-2. 313-314.
Papp, JĂłzsef: Hagyományok és tárgyi emlékek az EĂśtvĂśs Loránd Tudományegyetemen. = 1985. Vol. 1. Nr. 2. 319.
Popolo, nazione e storia nella cultura italiana e ungherese dal 1789 al 1850. = 1987. Vol. 3. Nr. 1-2. 308-309.
Publications of Finnish-Hungarian Folklore and Ethnography Symposia. = 1987. Vol. 3. Nr. 1-2. 306-308.
Publications of the Hungarological Institute, Novi Sad. = 1986. Vol. 2. Nr. 2. 305-308.
RádiĂł és TelevĂ­ziĂł Szemle és Jel-Kép RepertĂłrium, 1969-1984. = 1986. Vol. 2. Nr. 1. 188.
Res referunt repertae. Niilo Valonen 1913-1983. = 1985. Vol. 1. Nr. 2. 316-317.
Sata vuotta suomen sukua tutkimassa. = 1985. Vol. 1. Nr. 2. 315-316.
Six Books on Traditional Village Life. = 1986. Vol. 2. Nr. 2. 318-319.
Slovensko Porabje – Szlovénvidék. = 1985. Vol. 1. Nr. 2. 318.
Sociolinguistic Publications of Loránd EĂśtvĂśs University, Budapest. = 1986. Vol. 2. Nr. 1. 185-187.
Studia Uralo-Altaica, 1-9. = 1985. Vol. 1. Nr. 1. 154-156.
Symposium saeculare societatis Fenno-Ugricae. = 1985. Vol. 1. Nr. 2. 316.
Treasures of Hungary, Gold and Silver from the 9th to the 19th Century. = 1987. Vol. 3. Nr. 1-2. 314-315. MĂźnchen – Serie A., Die historischen Ortsnamen von Ungarn. = 1987. Vol. 3. Nr. 1-2. 305-306.
Vikár, LászlĂł: Collection of Finno-Ugrian and Turkic Folk Music in the Volga-Kama-Belava Region. = 1987. Vol. 3. Nr. 1-2. 315.
Vivat Hussar, 1-17. = 1985. Vol. 1. Nr. 1. 161.
Ĺ˝itnoostrovské MĂşzeum – CsallĂłkĂśzi MĂşzeum. Dunajská Streda = 1987. Vol. 3. Nr. 1-2. 313.