Photos by György Kator,  Honorary Consul of Finland,  Pécs

November 8, 2012: on the occasion of the Day of Hungarian Science the University of Pécs conferred honorary doctor and honorary professor titles. It’s our pleasure to inform You, that Dr. Tuomo Lahdelma, professor of University of Jyväskylä’s Hungarian Studies program, president of International Association for Hungarian Studies, was awarded for the title “Doctor et Professor Honoris Causa” by the University of Pécs.

In accordance with the requirements stipulated in the doctoral statutes of the University of Pécs the Senate of the University confers the degree of honorary doctor upon those people from Hungary and abroad who

– have achieved outstanding results in their respective fields for several decades
– have gained international recognition
– have maintained close links with the University of Pécs
– have rendered the university and the Hungarian sciences outstanding services
– and the recognition of whose activities, by conferring upon them the

honorary doctor title, boosts the prestige of the University of Pécs.

The Day of Hungarian Science is celebrated since 1997 by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. In 2003 the Parliament adopted the Day of Hungarian Science, commemorating Count István Széchenyi, the famous Hungarian statesman who offered the full annual income of his estates for the establishment of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in 1825.



Fotók: Kator György, Finnország tiszteletbeli konzulja, Pécs

2012. november 8-án a Pécsi Tudományegyetem a Magyar Tudomány Ünnepe alkalmából Díszdoktoravató Ünnepi Szenátusi Ülést rendezett, melyen  díszdoktorává avatta Prof. Dr. Tuomo Lahdelma-t, a Nemzetközi Magyarságtudományi Társaság elnökét.
